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Sweet 25 Rose Bouquet

Sweet 25 Rose Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 16th Mar
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Discover the magic of nature's elegance Sweet 25 Rose Bouquet crafted to embody the essence of affection, each rose is carefully selected for its lush beauty and soft hue. These 25 pink roses whisper "I care" with every petal, bringing an aura of warmth and tenderness to any room. More than just flowers, this delightful arrangement offers a sensory experience — from its gentle fragrance to its picturesque silhouette. Ideal for celebrating love, friendship, or life’s special moments, this bouquet promises joy and timeless elegance. Designed to impress yet simple enough to be the perfect gift for any occasion, these roses encapsulate truly heartfelt emotions with their soft blush tone. As they open, each bloom reveals layers of color and charm, making them a treasured centerpiece. Let your generosity shine through this extraordinary floral gift that speaks love in every glance.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of 25 Pink Roses

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