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Elegant Roses & Gerberas Bouquet

Elegant Roses & Gerberas Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : 16th Mar
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Delight in the allure of the Elegant Roses & Gerberas Bouquet, where tradition meets whimsy in a most enchanting way. This stunning creation features a harmonious medley of white and red roses, beautifully paired with cheerful gerberas. The lush red berries add an unexpected touch that elevates this bouquet to a contemporary classic. Ideal for any milestone - be it love-affirming anniversaries, joyful birthdays, or momentous graduations - it speaks volumes with its bright and bold statements. Every flower is selected with care, ensuring that the stems are as fresh as they are vibrant when they arrive. The composition of the bouquet brings out the best of both the complementary colors and the textures of the different blooms. This captivating combo makes it perfect for brightening a room or simply expressing heartfelt emotions. The Red Reverberry bouquet is versatile yet distinguished, exuding elegance and warmth that makes it suitable for any occasion. It's the kind of floral arrangement that not only beautifies its surroundings but also conveys a message of affection and admiration - a tribute to the beauty and significance of the moment shared between you and your recipient.
This gift consists of:
• Bouquet of White and Red Roses, Gerberas and Berries

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